Sunday 30 September 2012

Update on Passage to India

Everyone has their opinions on the various curry houses around town, typically my favourite three are Mumtaz Mahal, Passage to India and the Grill House in MQ. I've recently been to Woodlands a few times and I really quite like it there too, but it's in Ruwi, and I'm allergic to Ruwi, it makes me break out in swear words at the drivers.

Recently, I found myself at Hatat House on another matter, and noticed that the front door to the Passage to India was open. I was intrigued to see the status of Mrs Sythe's favourite ruby murray shop in town and so poked my head in.

As you can see from the pictures I have shared above, it appears that after their little fire the Management have decided a total gut and re-vamp is in order. Which to be fair is probably a good thing, although I never really minded too much when there before, but that might have been due to the deadly combo of cheap Heineken and dim lighting!

I chatted with a guy who looked like he was the boss and he said they plan to be open in October, but judging by the progress of works above, I think before the end of the year is a better bet. I hope so, I miss the Aloo Methi Tiki and the Chettinand Chetnandu!

Passage to India has a facebook page here.

More soon, last few hours to get your name in the hat to win free tickets to Edward Maya!

le fin.

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