Thursday 27 September 2012

McDonalds Family Fridays & MRFC v Kuwait

Today's quite a busy day, with the Red Bull world cliff diving finals going on down in Tiwi, and the Proclaimers gig at the InterCon tonight as well.

Thanks to Fatima from Mild &Wild for the picture

Tomorrow sees the launch of McDonalds "A day offline" campaign which is angled at promoting family time. The Darsait branch will have "exciting in-store entertainment and activities from 4pm until 7pm". Well now you know.

Also tomorrow, at 4pm is the official start to the Muscat Rugby Football Club's season with a home game against Kuwait. The game will take place at the MRFC field next to the ABA school, with post-match festivities at the Habana bar.

Enjoy the weekend.

le fin.

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