Tuesday 25 September 2012

Edward Maya in Muscat - Free tickets!

Seems like it's another week, another gig in Muscat these days. Roar Entertainment have signed up Edward Maya to come and entertain us all here on Thursday the 4th of October from 8pm onwards at the InterCon gardens. Edward Maya is a Romanian DJ who's had a few hit singles in the last few years and is still waiting to release his first album. Don't be turned off when I say DJ though - his act uses live vocals and instruments and is more of a band than a guy standing behind some decks.

Tickets go on sale today. For tickets and further information contact 99793036 / 94035451 / 99792434 / tickets@roaroman.com and there is a facebook event page too - or you can purchase them at one of these locations:

Love at First Bite
OUA Retail Outlet, MQ
Intercontinental Hotel
Dunkin Donuts - City Cinema - Shatti, MQ, MGM, QCC and MCC

Tickets are RO 25 for VIP and RO 12 for regular access.

Now, the lovely people at Roar Entertainment have given me 2 VIP tickets to give away to you readers of ze blog. All you need to do to be in the draw is to either leave a comment here, or send me an email with the subject "I want Edward Maya tickets" - thats it! Your entry will be assigned a number and your number will be put into my al fair bag full of raffle tickets!

Bon chance!

le fin.

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