1. A brand-new box of Crayola crayons.
It could only be Crayola... not that Rose Art knockoff. Even better if it was the 64-count box with a built-in sharpener.
Source: blog.pennlive.com / via: pennlive.com
If the 64-count box wasn't enough...
Video available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ_MEFVx5jM.Just imagine what a whole factory smelled like. Remember watching this onSesame Street before school?
Source: youtube.com / via: youtube.com
2. Clapping together chalkboard erasers for your teacher.
Remember when your teacher sent you outside to clean the blackboard erasers by clapping them together, against a wall, or on the back of an unsuspecting classmate walking by?
Source: 1.bp.blogspot.com / via: irishshooter.blogspot.com
3. Shavings from the old-fashioned pencil sharpener.
You either loathed or loved having your pencil break during class because of the racket it made.
Source: common1.csnimages.com / via: garagejournal.com
4. Pink erasers.
How many holes did you form in your papers?
Source: i.walmartimages.com / via: walmart.com
5. A pile of construction paper.
A rainbow waiting to be transformed by a pair of safety scissors.
Source: cdn.dickblick.com / via: dickblick.com
6. Mr. Sketch scented magic markers.
Who actually liked the licorice and cinnamon-scented ones?
Source: shop.hobbylobby.com / via: hobbylobby.com
7. Rubber cement.
When it would dry, you'd roll the rubber cement into little squishy balls and flick them at your friends. If you were a jerk, you'd say they were boogers.
Source: shop.cooperhewitt.org / via: cooperhewitt.org
8. Elmer's Glue-All.
Remember letting it dry on your hands and then pretending to pull off pieces of your skin?
Source: cdn.dickblick.com / via: dickblick.com
9. Dittos.
There was nothing like the smell of a warm ditto fresh out of the ditto machine. Kids with their newfangled photocopiers have no clue what they've missed.
Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com / via: imremembering.com
10. Play-Doh and modeling clay.
You silently cursed the classmate who mixed the colors together.
Source: moneysavingmom.com / via: moneysavingmom.com
11. The musty library.
And adding your name to 20 years' worth of borrowers on the card in the back of the book.
Source: picklemethis.com / via: picklemethis.com
12. Plaground balls.
Used for kickball, dodge ball, and four square.
Source: kipptoys.com / via: kipptoys.com
13. Scratch 'n sniff stickers.
Nothing says "Job well done!" like one of these on an essay.
Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com / via: genxtinct.com
14. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Before they were banned.
Source: bbb.org / via: bbb.org
15. That minty sawdust your janitor sprinkled on piles of vomit.
Try not to retch thinking about it.
Source: uline.com / via: uline.com
Leave your favorite in the comments below!
Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/amandamarsh/15-smells-that-will-take-you-back-to-elementary-sc-96ht
Article author: amandamarsh
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