Tuesday, 26 February 2013

9 Meme Paintings To Make Any Wall Better

1. Really brings you back to Intro Art History, doesn't it?


Ermagerd, 2012

Artist Lauren Kaelin calls the project "An excuse to paint the internet; inspired by Walter Benjamin and the Ikea Monkey." You can buy the paintings or check out more of her work here.

Source:  benjameme.net

2. Bye, Picasso.


Grumpy Cat, 2012

Source:  benjameme.net

3. STFU, Van Gogh.


Texts From Hillary Clinton, 2012

Source:  benjameme.net

4. Michel-who now?


Jessica's Daily Affirmation, 2009

Source:  benjameme.net

5. This is the only art you will ever need for the rest of your life.


Ikea Monkey, 2012

Source:  benjameme.net



Boo, 2010

Source:  benjameme.net



Antoine Dodson, 2010

Source:  benjameme.net



Otters Holding Hands, 2007

Source:  benjameme.net



Gangnam Style, 2012

At only $20 a pop, you're only harming yourself (and your sad, blank walls) by not getting one.

Source:  benjameme.net

Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/alannaokun/meme-paintings-to-make-any-wall-better
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