1. Cottonelle
Nice try, Cottonelle.
Your TP (which I use) is fucking expensive. I'm not wasting one sheet on anything other than shit.
Also: there is no "National Appreciation Day."
2. Travelbag
You make me say YES, and then you make fun of me?
And then you beg me to increase your marketing metrics?
Also: "You're".
3. Procter & Gamble
P&G tries to get some free demo info by trying to make a "game" out me thinking about how much time I spend doing things I hate...and then sharing that fun info with them.
I've never wanted to punch a corporation in the face more.
4. Lalor Creekside Dental
A bit unfair picking on such a small business, but...
#9 is Steve McNair, who has been dead since 2009.
How bout: Can you find the hidden chicken?
6. Newstalk (Irish station)
"Craving Private Ryan?"
7. Skoda
Oh GOD, just shut-up, Skoda.
8. Topflight Holidays
And hit the bottle if you aren't!
9. Costa Coffee
This is the entire post.
Costa offered nothing.
Laziest LIKE mooch. EVER.
10. NBC LA
This is the couple killed by ex-LAPD cop Christopher Dorner.
Click LIKE to send condolences? You gotta be FUCKING kidding me, NBC LA.
All of these are via one of the best pages on Facebook: Condescending Corporate Brand Page.
Like them, share them, send them money, etc.
Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/copyranter/facebooks-biggest-social-media-losers-of-month
Article author: copyranter
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