Thursday, 21 February 2013

10 Disney Films You Totally Forgot About

1. The Black Cauldron


Release date: Jan 1, 1985
Best line from a review: "Possibly not the worst animated feature the House Of Mouse has produced, but certainly stumbling around the darker recesses of the Disney vault." -Empire Magazine
Reason you forgot about it:The Black Cauldron was not based on a story that was familiar to its audience, and most people agree that it was probably a little too dark for younger viewers.


2. The Great Mouse Detective


Release date: Jul 2, 1986
Best line from a review: "It's a lot of fun." -Roger Ebert
Reason you forgot about it: Actually, your guess is as good as mine.The Great Mouse Detective actually did really well critically, but still didn't quite breakthrough to become a classic.


3. Oliver & Company


Release date: Nov 18, 1988
Best line from a review: "Billy Joel sang it best: 'Why should I care?'" -Eric Henderson
Reason you forgot about it:Oliver & Company was one of Disney's first films to use computer-assisted animation, which some people found off-putting. It was also released during a low point for Disney.


4. The Rescuers Down Under


Release date: Nov 16, 1990
Best line from a review: "I had my first epileptic seizure while watching this film. It was more exciting than this tepid sequel." -Alex Sandell
Reason you forgot about it: Disney has never had much luck with sequels in theaters, andThe Rescuers Down Under seemed to be a little too violent for most people.


5. Dinosaur


Release date: May 19, 2000
Best line from a review: "When you have spent $200 million on 'the dumber version of The Land Before Time,' you deserve everything that comes to you." -Tim Brayton
Reason you forgot about it: Dinosaur suffered from the same problem of other visually stunning animated features that came after it. Too much effort was put into the visuals, and not enough was put into a good script.


6. Fantasia 2000


Release date: Jun 16, 2000
Best line from a review: "Whatever its flaws -- from kitschy cupids to racist centaurs -- at least the first Fantasia had a human touch. The sequel seems cold and mechanical by comparison." -Eleanor Ringel Gillespie
Reason you forgot about it: Turns out, they already made this movie sixty years earlier.


7. Atlantis: The Lost Empire


Release date: Jun 15, 2001
Best line from a review: "... breathtaking animation in service of a story that doesn't hold enough water to drown a rat much less a civilization." -Jeffrey Overstreet
Reason you forgot about it: The animation in this film was incredible, but it seems as though it came at the expense of decent characters and plot.


8. Treasure Planet


Release date: November 27, 2002
Best line from a review: "The addition of an insufferable robot named B.E.N. (Martin Short) cripples much of the film's momentum. A friend once dubbed B.E.N. 'the Jar-Jar Binks of animation'" -Matt Brunson
Reason for forgot about it: Taking the classic novel and putting it in a sci-fi setting was a gimmick, overshadowing anything that made the movie worthwhile.


9. Brother Bear


Release date: Nov 1, 2003
Best line from a review: If "t
e CEO wants to sell teddy bears" isn't going to inspire writers to do their best work, what on Earth possibly could? -Tim Brayton
Reason you forgot about it: Despite doing well, most critics felt the movie was just a retread of other Disney films.


10. Home On The Range


Release date: April 2, 2004
Best line from a review: "Comes across less as a fully realized work of storytelling than as a commercial for a corporation whose goal of entertainment has been replaced by that of making money." -Michael O'Sullivan
Reason you forgot about it: It wasn't so bad that everyone hated it, but it wasn't good enough for anyone to actually enjoy it.


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