Wednesday 10 April 2013

Here's What It Looks Like When You Cry In Space

1. So let's say you're in space, like astronaut Chris Hadfield here. You're having a nice time, ruminating on the nature of space, time, and existence:


2. Then, out of the corner of your eye, through the portal window, you notice something:



3. Everything you've ever known is gone. Everyone you've ever known is dead. You can't go home, and you know that that International Space Station will become your tomb. You are upset about this:


4. So you start to cry. But something strange happens. The tears don't fall, or float away. They just... stick together:


5. It's cool! Almost cool enough to distract you from the fact that you and your shipmates may be the only living mammals left in the solar system:


6. "Hmm," you say aloud to yourself, through a choking sob. "This would make a great YouTube video."


7. And you're right! It would:

Video available at:



More Chris Hadfield space experiments.


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Article author: jwherrman

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