Saturday 6 April 2013

10 Reasons Why Beyoncé, Pink And Britney Spears' Epic Pepsi Commercial Can Never Be Topped

1. There is the fantastic setting of Ancient Rome.


Three superstar gladiators.


2. There is a fierce, battle ready Beyoncé…


...that is out for blood!


3. The always badass Pink.


4. Warrior Britney Spears.


5. Enrique Iglesias, as the cruel hearted, Pepsi drinking Emperor.


6. These death stares.


Although, Britney does have look like she just realized she is going to be the first one to die.

7. The "girl power" moment when they decide not to fight each other and unite against the emperor.


8. Beyoncé, Pink and Britney breakout into Queen's "We Will Rock You" and...


9. ...they get the entire Colosseum to sing along.


10. The perfect Pepsi product moment.


The entire commercial is an impressive three minutes and eight seconds long. If you haven't heard their rendition of "We Will Rock You", then you're really missing out. Do yourself a favor and watch the whole commercial here:

Video available at:

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Article author: briangalindo

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