Tuesday 26 February 2013

21 Foolproof NFL Player Disguises

1. Leon Sandcastle


Deion Sanders

Watch the original commercial here.

2. Barry Ricecakes


Jerry Rice

3. B.J. Eagle


A.J. Hawk

4. Don Marinersbaseball


Dan Marino

5. Aight Fosterparents


Arian Foster

6. Tim Brody


Tom Brady

7. Skittles Beast Mode Haha Yeah


Marshawn Lynch

8. Not Eli Manning


Eli Manning

9. Myaunte Cutspeppers


Daunte Culpepper

10. Gene Leggings


Greg Jennings

11. Thankgodfor Thissecondchance


Tim Tebow

12. Yards Houston


Miles Austin

13. ZenDarvus Blue-Elvis


BenJarvus Green-Ellis

14. Dogginton Hornswallow


Doug Flutie

15. Mark Consuelos


Mark Sanchez

16. Roy Petmyhairdo


Troy Polamalu

17. Playdoh Matthews


Clay Matthews

18. Jon Favreau


Brett Favre

19. Kevin Papernapkin


Colin Kaepernick

20. The JaMarcus Russell


JaMarcus Russell

21. Boo Bees


Drew Brees

Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mrloganrhoades/leon-sandcastle-kevin-papernapkin-and-more-nfl-co-9eea
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