Monday 16 July 2012

The bars of Oman: Bellapais

Another instalment for the bars of Oman, a sneaky one before Ramadan is called, and then I won't be writing about The Bars of Oman again until after Eid. Or maybe I will... we shall see.

Here is the next bar review: Bellapais

Bellpais is a Greek restaurant located in Mawehleh (well what I'd call Mawehleh or Airport Heights, but the owners think it's in Rusayl), very close to the clock-tower roundabout near the airport. The main level is a restaurant featuring nothing particularly spectacular except a statue of a man who's wearing a pink table-cloth. I attended with co-researcher @jblakemaniel and we had a pasta dish and some Pad Thai, neither were particularly memorable, but not bad either. We also each had a can of Carlsberg, and the bill came to less than 9 rials.

Above the restaurant is a mezzanine floor with a rather "interesting" little bar frequented by people who I suspect drive white and orange cars for a living. Beers were RO 1.500 for a can of Carlsburg. I did not see any horizontal refreshment providers when I was there either.

If you live at this end of town, and fancy an alcoholic beverage with your dinner, it's certainly worth at least a look in, perhaps the Greek food is better than the food we had... but we were really there for another purpose ;)

Here is a map showing where Bellapais is. Here is a link to their Facebook page. Their phone number is 2452 1100

le fin.

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