Sunday 4 December 2011

I'm back... and the drama about the Royal Opera House

Hello everyone,

Just a little post to say that I'm back from my month long vacation, and so will get back to blogging shortly!

I'm sure those of you that are regular readers of Oman based blogs will have already heard about the on-going drama caused by His Eminence the Grand Mufti of Oman, Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili's comments regarding the new Opera House in Qurum.

For those that don't know, I've copied the transcript so helpfully provided by Nadia on her blog Dhofari Gucci :

Question: My Mother, may God grant her health and long life, wants to visit the newly opened Royal Opera House to admire the architecture and beautiful designs. Is this acceptable, given the fact that such venues host musical events known to the world as 'opera'. This is the main purpose of the venue.

Mufti: since the dedicated purpose of this venue is music and dance, then visiting it is not acceptable. As for the architecture and designs, they're not exclusive to this location only and can be found at other locations, and Allah knows best.

Now, Dhofari Gucci, Lino and Balqis have all blogged about this topic so I wont spend too much time discussing it, but I will say that it's worth reading all three of these bloggers comments about this. As a non-Muslim I'm not really too involved in these discussions but it does appear evident that music is not allowed in Islam, which I find rather amusing seeing as most calls to prayer I hear the person is usually singing, but lets not get into that.

I think the Opera House is a timeless classic that will outlast every single one of you that is reading this. It's beautiful and is something I think people should be proud of. I think that saying that people can not go to the ROH because it "hosts musical events" is totally ridiculous and narrow minded. One could extend this concept further and say people should not have mobile phones because they are capable of playing music, or watch TV because there might be some music played on it, or drive cars because they have stereo's in them. I'm being pedantic but hopefully you get what I'm saying, and to be fair, Dhofari Gucci said the same thing, to quote her, "if you want to instill sound Islamic beliefs in the new (and coming) generations of Omanis, religious leaders must make their teachings relevant".

And before the haters weigh in: No I'm not anti-Islam, I'm just bemused amazed by this particular situation.

More posts coming soon!

le fin.

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